April 28, 1994

Categories: Meeting Minutes Tags: Meeting Minutes

CEFO Minutes

(J. Carter, Secretary)



Dr. Rafic Makki opened the meeting at 12:36 PM. The following signed the attendance sheet:

COLLEGE OF ENGR: R. Snyder, S. Middleton. COMPUTER SCIENCE: G. Revesz, M. Allen, K. Chen, B. Chu, G. Epstein, J. Frazier, M. Hadzikadic, J. Long, Z. Michalewicz, T. Mostafavi, Z. Ras, R. Shaw, K. Subramanian, B. Wilkinson, J. Xiao. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY: F. Auchey, B. Barry, N. Byars, J. Carter, J. Chaffin, J. Patten, W. Shelnutt. CIVIL ENGINEERING: D. Bayer, J. Evett, J. Graham, H. Hilger, R. Janardhanam, G. Murgel, I. Runge, J. Wu, D. Young. MECHANICAL ENGR & ENGR SCIENCE: I. Bodur, P. DeHoff, R. Dubler, H. Estrada, Y. Hari, J. Hill, R. Kim, G. Mohanty, E. Munday, S. Patterson, R. Wilhelm. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: F. Tranjan, R. Coleman, K. Daneshvar, A. Edwards, R. Greene. F. Kiamilev, V. Lukic, R. Makki, M. Miri, S. Simanapalli. Total documented attendance: 54.

I. Approval of minutes of the February 22, 1994 meeting. Motion made, passed.

II. NSPE. The NSPE Student Chapter presented the college with a plaque which recognized and thanked each of the EIT Lecturers.

III. Course Proposal. The course proposal CSCI 02-03-94 was considered by the faculty and approved.

IV. Election of Officers. The results of the election of faculty members to College and University committees:

College of Engineering Review Committee (Re-appointment, Promotion and Tenure, 94-95
C.E. Department: J. Evett
C.S. Department: B. Wilkinson
E.E. Department: Y. Kakad
E.T. Department: J. Patten
M.E. Department: B. Hocken College of Engineering Executive Committee, 94-95
President: D. Young (Elected 1993)
President-Elect: R. Lejk
Secretary: J. Carter
Parliamentarian: H. Estrada College of Engineering Academic Policy Course and Curriculum Committee, 94-95
Chair: (Also representative to the University Committee: H. Estrada University Level Committees
Computer Services Advisory Committee, 94-96: M. Allen
Faculty Academic Policy & Standards Committee, 94-96: M. Miri
Faculty Competitive Grants Committee, 94-96: G. Mohanty

The ballots will be stored with the secretary’s minutes and are available for examination. They will be kept for one calendar year until replaced with the next set of ballots for the coming year.

V. Closing Remarks by Dr. Rafic Makki. “This has been a pivotal year in the young history of our College. The launching of the PhD programs was a clear and unmistakable recognition of our potential to achieve. The interdisciplinary nature of these programs is an invitation for all departments to participate in contrinuting to our pofession at its highest levels. The naming of our College after William S. Lee is a testimony to our commitment for continuous improvement and our relentless drive to be the very best that we can be in serving our students and our profession. This faculty constitutes the greatest assembly of faculty in the history of our College. It was with a great sense of pride that I witnessed this faculty eager to serve the college and define its own governance.

Indeed this year has been the year of faculty governance at UNC Charlotte. Our administration entrusted us with writing our own present and paving our own future; and boy did we respond! We responded with a new College vision statement; one that emphasizes distinction through diversity. We responded with a new teaching enhancement document; one that recognizes the importance of responding quickly to a Board of Governors directive, but also one that reminds us that teaching is a noble profession and must always come first in whatever we do. We are responding with revitalized and re-energized programs and curricula. Programs and curricula which will provide our traditional students with a better education and ones which will meet the needs of our non-traditional students. We are responding with a clear, aggressive, and dynamic College Stratgegy Plaln which implements our vision of a College that constantly assesses and improves itself. We are responding by defining a new faculty and staff reward system that recognizes the importance of having a diverse faculty and rewarding this faculty accordingly. It has been a great year. I am honored to have served you, though in a small way, and I am proud to work here.

Dean Snyder, I want to thank you for giving us, the faculty, a free hand in developing much of what I mentioned above. I also want to thank you for supporting the College Faculty Organization. I would so like to thank two special individuals who gave of themselves in service to this College. I would like to thank Jack Carter for doing a superb job in keeping the minutes. He took his job very seriously and was always willing to do whatever he could to help. I would also llike to thank David Young for helping me in mofe ways than I have time to list. He has devoted a great deal of his time in service to this College.”

Rafic presented Jack and David with a gift as a token of appreciation.

“Thank you all and have a great summer.”

The meeting was adjourned at 1:55